Eurocontainer, the leader Spanish national leader in container manufacturing, consolidates its strategic position at the European level.
We begin the manufacture of a new order of more than 1000 units for renewable energies, remembering the last big order of 2.014
This new order, its follow up, and the remaining manufacturing of shelters will definitely contribute to:
⁃ reactivate the regions’ economy
⁃ Collaborate in the promotion of the several rail corridors
⁃ Reduce CO2 emissions
⁃ Promote the knowledge of our industry to an international spectrum
EUROCONTAINER remains as the main national container manufacturer, not only by revenue but range of products:
⁃ Merchandise transportation
⁃ Renewable energies
⁃ Tank container: liquid, gas and bulk transport
⁃ Semitrailers
⁃ Tank container bottle type
⁃ Bitucontainers
⁃ Port vehicles
⁃ Megacontainers/shelters
⁃ Skids
⁃ Custom and integrated containers
Thanks to all our clients for trusting us and making us improve every day and to our workers who are the ones that make this posible.